Welcome to the Ghost Merchants
The ancient city of York has a reputation for being the most haunted city in Europe, perhaps even the world. There is rich tradition here of ghost story-telling which stretches back for many centuries. Ghosts are an integral although undeniably obscure part of our city’s story. York Ghosts are firmly embedded in this history.
Each York Ghost is handmade in our own workshops, combining the best of British materials with the sagacity and resource of generations of Guild craftsmen and women.
Every ghost is unique, “with a spirit all its own”
Our one concern is your delight.
Buying a Ghost
We regularly release editions of York Ghosts which are made exclusively for our website as part of our “ghost in the post” service and dispatched to customers far and wide.
There will be updates on our online sales for 2025 very soon, in the meantime please visit the FAQ page for details regarding purchasing online.
There will be a preview of any upcoming releases on our Instagram and Facebook page and via email- you can subscribe to receive emails by scrolling down to the bottom of this page. We sometimes make “clandestine” releases without warning and at unscheduled times. There is a third way of buying online which follows a more convoluted or cryptic process, The Understore is where these ghosts appear.
Placing a ghost in your shopping basket does not secure a purchase - it is only secured once payment is accepted. You can now create an account on our homepage to quicken the checkout process. Apologies to those who miss out when trying to buy from our ghost releases, demand is currently exceeding supply. Our ghosts are made by hand in small batches and we do not operate a mass production business model.
Our shop at No.6 Shambles is open 6 days a week ( currently closed on Wednesdays until further notice ) and has over 600 Ghosts to choose from.
Our second location ‘The Dispensary’ in St Anthony’s Garden opened in 2023 and stocks Original Ghosts, Little Ghosts and Phantoms. Please visit The Dispensary page for up to date information on opening times and days, these will be subject to staffing levels and opening times may vary. Maps and information regarding this are available from the Merchants on The Shambles.
Please keep an eye on our Instagram posts for news on forthcoming releases; @yorkghostmerchants
Thank you for your support and custom, we are eternally grateful.

Our Story
A most remarkable shop on the most extraordinary street in the most haunted city in the world.
We are the makers and sellers of the Original and finest York Ghosts.
The shop, located in number 6 Shambles, which was built in 1780 is, at first glance, a very traditional store with a clear Georgian heritage, with oak-panelled walls and display cases, but from the moment intrigued customers step across the threshold, it becomes clear that this is a place where history and myth, heritage and legend overlap to intriguing effect.

Black Box Editions.
We occasionally release limited edition Black Box Ghosts . These have proved to be both highly desirable and collectable. They are made in collaboration with skilled makers and crafts people and utilise materials and traditional techniques not used in our standard collections. Black Box Edition York ghosts are sold in a specially commissioned black and gold embossed box, with an insert card detailing the edition number and batch with a date and initials of the Merchant who has signed off the ghost. Previously released Black Box Ghosts can be viewed in the Archive section of the website.