Guild Room Frequently Asked Questions

Below we hope to answer any questions you may have about visiting the Guild Room.
Should you need any further information please email

  • We release 2 months’ worth of appointments at once to give you a good selection of dates to chose from. Appointments will be released every other month – always in the last week of the month.

    For example, Appointments for May and June 2025 will be made available at some point during the last full week of March.

    We will post a message to Instagram Stories once the appointments are live so it may be worth following @yorkghostmerchants

  • After completing your booking via the online calendar you will receive an email booking confirmation. Should you need to change or update your details please click the relevant link embedded in your booking email. If this confirmation does not arrive please email   

  • Appointments are only valid for the person who made the booking and their named guest and are not transferrable.

  • Unfortunately if you are not able to make your appointment then we cannot rearrange it for a future date. Please note that we can no longer take requests for us to swap an appointment date with someone else.

  • If you arrive before the scheduled end time of your appointment you will be allowed entry to the Guild Room, just ring the bell when you arrive. Unfortunately if you arrive after your appointment would have ended, we are unable to let you join another group later in the day.

  • Bookings can be cancelled online by clicking the relevant link embedded in your booking email. We kindly ask that if you are not able to make your appointment that you cancel your booking with at least 24 hours’ notice (when possible). If cancelling at very short notice (i.e. day of the booking), we request that you phone us on 01904 202 609. This will mean we have chance to release the appointment for someone else.

  • There is no cancellation waiting list. Any cancelled appointments will be automatically reappear on the booking calendar available for anyone to book.

  • If you do not attend an appointment and have not notified us, we reserve the right to cancel future bookings.

  • If there are no appointments visible, they may have already been taken by others. The calendar will not be visible, and a message box will appear asking you to check back another time.

  • Please have a copy of your booking confirmation handy when arriving for your appointment. In some instances we may also request to see a form of identification.

  • Appointments are strictly 45 minutes. Please arrive promptly and form an orderly queue outside. A Merchant will welcome you all into the building at the appropriate time.

  • With the exception of guide dogs, we no longer allow dogs to attend Guild Room appointments. We love dogs but the decision is out of respect to the other guests who will share your appointment.

  • Private appointments or larger group bookings are not available at this time.

  • We put out the same quantities of rare & unusual Ghosts per appointment but are unable to guarantee one of each type per person. The shelves will be comprehensively restocked between appointments. There will be certain restrictions placed on numbers of Rare & Unusual Ghosts available per customer as is the case at the Shambles shop.

    We reserve the right to review and change these allocations without notice.

  • The allocation per adult in the Guild Room is a maximum of three Rare & Unusual Ghosts (Metallics, Terrazzo’s, and Stonemasons), one of each type. Additionally, customers can purchase one of each type of our Cellar Ghosts and Phantoms as desired. Original and polished Ghosts of both sizes are no longer subject to any restrictions.

  • We accept card payment only in The Guild Room, no cash is taken or kept on site.

  • The Guild Room is wheelchair accessible, but we do not have disabled toilets on site. If you have any special accessibility requirements, please let us know when filling out the booking form.

  • We have toilets available for use but please be aware they are on the first floor which can only be accessed via the stairs.

  • We politely request that no food or drink is brought into the Guild Room.

  • You are more than welcome to take photographs while in the Guild Room, but we ask you to be mindful of the other guests. We do have some younger visitors, and it may not necessarily be appropriate that they feature in your photos.

  • ♦ It is not possible for us to offer refunds to customers who contact us retrospectively to say that they paid for more Ghosts than they brought home with them. It is the customers responsibility to check the quantity of their Ghosts before leaving the Guild Room.

    ♦ It is not possible to offer refunds to customers who contact us to say that their Ghost is damaged.

    ♦ Refunds can be made if the goods are returned in the original packaging within 14 days and are in a saleable condition.

    ♦ It is not possible to exchange a Ghost for another, even if it is the same price. It is the customers responsibility to check the quality of their Ghosts before leaving the shop.

    ♦ We do not offer replacement Guild Room Boxes to customers who state they have a damaged box. Once customers leave the shop, it’s their responsibility to look after the box.