The Resident Glass Ghost
Black Box Edition pieces are made in collaboration with skilled makers and crafts people using traditional materials and techniques to produce objects of worth and curiosity, their limited status has led to them becoming highly sought after and much coveted Ghosts and prized amongst collectors.
The edition of 1,000 Ghosts was created for our installation titled “The Residents“ which was displayed in the vaulted basement of the Mansion House in York during Ghost Week. The glass Ghosts were exhibited as a linear collection on an under-lit table 7m long.
We have wanted to create a pure glass Ghost for over a year, the crystalline material seems very well suited to Ghost making. The Ghosts are press-moulded using a clear lime-soda glass ( similar to Pyrex ), after cooling and de-moulding the glass is polished at high temperature which is known as fire polishing. The finished ghosts are more resistant to physical damage ( in comparison to many other types of glass ) and have the crystal clear quality that we desired.
Edition of 1,000
Sold from the Mansion House October 2021 and afterwards from the website & shop