Scarlet Talisman
The two families who founded the York Ghost Merchants have used the ghost in their friendship as a symbol of the “undying spirit”. York Ghosts have always been seen by us as tokens of “ Good Fortune & Fortitude” - it’s written on each travelling box. Not for many a generation has this sentiment felt so apposite.
The “Scarlet Talisman” will be produced for the foreseeable future and added them to our site each week as we make more . Throughout human history and in most cultures, talismans, lucky charms or amulets have been used to conjure magical power, to create good luck, or to repel evil and bad luck.
They vary in style and form - from carved coconut shells in Papua New Guinea ,to prayer flags blowing in the Himalayan wind in Nepal. In Europe a rabbit’s foot, a four-leaved clover and a horseshoe are all traditionally believed to bring good luck. In medieval Islam, magic number squares were widely used as talismans. In York the Ghost is our talisman.
Batches released each week of Lockdown.
First release date: 20/3/20