A Ghost named “Goodhope”, black bodied with a vibrant veil of spring green and mineral blue. After their making, two Goodhope Ghosts will have a date, time and password written upon their base. These two Ghosts will then be wrapped in our map tissue paper and boxed, they will be mixed up with all the other boxed Ghosts and allocated to to separate orders completely randomly and without the packing Merchants being aware of which boxes contain the password Ghosts. This password and time is for access to The Understore where a specially created and free of charge (inc P&P) Ghost will be waiting to claim. The Undertore is a password protected shop that we do not generally discuss, it can be accessed via our website and by clicking on an inverted crossed torches logo somewhere on our site. The dates that these two Ghosts will be available in The Understore will be separate and at least 7 weeks after the sale date to allow all Ghosts to make their way to new homes. If you are lucky enough to be sent one of the two password Ghosts please do not share the information on the base as this will give others the opportunity to claim the Ghost before you and we can take no responsibility for this..
H 8.5 x D 5.5 x W 4.5cm
Batch of 4000
Released 7pm 14th April