St. Saviour
We have named this Ghost St. Saviour to mark the move to our new building at 31 St Saviourgate.
It felt important to celebrate the move into the new workshop with a Ghost and make it available as an open release. This was the first larger batch made in the new building and its colours were suggested by the building itself. When we took on No.31 it had been an accountancy office for many years and we have over the last 12 weeks largely removed the magnolia & fluorescent evidence of corporate 21st century life and returned the interiors to their eighteenth century origin. The St Saviour Ghost is coloured with the Georgian green that now covers the walls of our showroom & uncannily matches the layer of paint found on the original boards of the first floor hallway. These Ghosts feel very at home here. Each will be base stamped with “St Saviour” in the same handwritten font the can be found on Peter Chassereau’s wonderful 1750 plan of York.