Scrimshaw Ghost
Scrimshaw was a type of decoration first practised by sailors over 200 years ago in the brutal age of whaling. Life on board the ships was tough and monotonous and to while away the hours some mariners whittled away at pieces whale bone and carved into the whales teeth. Using simple tools such as sail needles or pocket knives the designs were often crude, the motion of the ship didn’t help in this regard. Lampblack or tobacco juice were rubbed into the highlight scratched patterns which often depicted scenes of galleons, mermaids or giant whales before waxing and polishing.
Sailors would very often include messages of affection and make love tokens, from a tiny trinket to a busk ( used to stiffen corsets ) to take home to their sweetheart . These keepsakes would be treasured by the receiver as the whalers were often away at sea for years at a time, the objects were believed to be talismanic bringing good fortune and a safe passage back home from the next voyage.
For many coastal towns and villages the fishing and whaling industry was the true heart of the community ( and still is today in some places ),the relationship between sea and land was elemental and it is easy to understand how potent a simple scrimshawed object could have been. Life on the high seas was difficult and dangerous and many were left behind on shore and waved off loved ones in the knowledge they may never see them again.
21 individually Scrimshawed Ghosts, each with catalogue card, Ghost Merchants Edition Card and supplied in the Black Box.
NB. The Ghost is NOT bone or ivory.
Black Box Edition of 21. Online release only